Michael Spivey is a combat injured Marine and Purple Heart recipient with deployments to both Iraq and Afghanistan.
In December 2010, an IED blast left Michael with large shrapnel wounds to his back and legs. The blast also took his left hand leaving Michael with a below the elbow amputation.
After his injury Michael began snowboarding, and is currently World Ranked in both Boarder Cross and Banked Slalom. Michael competed in the 2018 Winter Paralympics in South Korea.
“Michael had the most dangerous job in the world. He walked point in mine fields. Day after day, he would walk in front of our patrols sometimes halting them to interrogate the earth. During these halts, he would kneel and slowly begin to scrape the ground to reveal an (IED) improvised explosive device. He performed this ritual countless times with the same stoic steadfast devotion."
"He is an absolute inspiration and I am alive today because of his courage. It’s an honor to call men like this brother and friend. Get Some.” -- Captain Tom Schueman
Michael and his new wife Kris will be running the 10K! Your donation will be used toward a grant check to assist them as they begin their life together.